WWW Opinion Times

Friday, April 29, 2005

As the Foundation of Law Crumbles. . .

As I am re-reading John W. Whitehead's The Second American Revolution, I find the following quote instructive for an understanding of today's legal and constitutional climate (p. 20 if the 1987 third printing):
Good law is limiting. It prevents the exercise of arbitrary power by the state and its agencies. If, however, the foundation undergirding law in a Christian society shifts from a Christian to a humanistic base, then a "nervous breakdown" occurs. Anarchy may result, and, if it does, history teaches that an imposed order will be inevitable.
The death of Terri Schiavo was not the beginning of our problems with the courts. Rather, it has served to reveal a shift in law that has taken place over the last 50 years or so. Our legal system has embraced what Francis Schaeffer called a "materialistic final reality concept" which refuses any belief in an objective truth thus ignoring the very basis for law. According to Schaeffer, this leads to natural, inevitable results sociologically, governmentally and in law.

Because this world view dominates law and culture, the courts are not just and society is not sufficiently disturbed by their actions leading to reform. This latter may change, but Divine intervention may be necessary to cause it.

Since about 1978 and beginning with the "Reagan Revolution", the influence in our federal and state legislatures of objective truth has increased notably--though not yet thoroughly. And in the process, we have not yet seen this influence come into law and culture. This must be addressed.