WWW Opinion Times

Monday, October 04, 2004

BREAKING NEWS! Saddam Possessed WMD, Had Extensive Terror Ties


Just received this by email from a friend on CNSNews.com

A report is leaking from intelligence gathered from papers of the former Iraqi Government under Saddam Hussein. Saddam did have ties to Al-Qaeda and possessed WMD.

Exclusive: Saddam Possessed WMD, Had Extensive Terror Ties -- 10/04/2004: "(CNSNews.com) - Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by CNSNews.com, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders."

...Laurie Mylroie, who authored the book, "Study of Revenge: Saddam Hussein's Unfinished War against America," and advised Clinton on Iraq during the 1992 presidential campaign, told CNSNews.com that the papers represent "the most complete set of documents relating Iraq to terrorism, including Islamic terrorism" against the U.S.

Did the WMD go to Syria? What exactly are the ties to Al-Qaeda?

This will have profound implications in the Presidential campaign. This information bolsters the administration's position that there were links to Al-Qaeda and the Saddam has functional capability to produce and hold WMD.

I am regularly amazed by how consistently truth comes out over time. It does not always fit neatly into political schedules, but it comes nonetheless. Great leadership understands this and waits patiently while doing the right thing. Once again, it seems, President Bush has shown the kind of patience needed in a leader. And it may pay off with a strong mandiate come November 3.