WWW Opinion Times

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Heinz-Kerry Would Make 'Gay Tolerance' Centerpiece of Her Duties as First Lady

Theresa Heinz-Kerry, in an interview with PlanetOut--a gay and lesbian news service--has said that "gay tolerance" will be a centerpiece of her agenda as First Lady.

"(CNSNews.com) - . . .Teresa Heinz Kerry 'pledges to make gay tolerance a centerpiece of her First Lady duties,' an online media company reported. In an exclusive interview with PlanetOut -- which describes itself as a gay media company -- Mrs. Kerry made a distinction between sex and sexuality.

She told PlanetOut's senior political correspondent Chris Bull, 'A lot of people, particularly those of the more fundamentalist view, think of homosexuality as a sex thing rather than a sexuality thing. They are really very different.' "

The battle lines are drawn. It would be bad enough for some states to approve "gay marriage", but for a First Lady to push a gay agenda which would be clearly supported by her husband's administration is a disaster for marriage in this country. It would give gay activists a platform to push a legislative agenda in states which might balk at expanding marriage otherwise. It could also provide more force behind promoting the "full faith and credit" clause of the Constitution and expand the battle to the courts. If the courts maintain their penchant to legislate, traditional marriage could be a thing of the past in the United States.

My Take on Traditional Marriage as a foundation of American Government.

Here is a story about the recent debate in Congress on the Federal Marriage Amendment where Cong. Barney Frank (D-NY) and Cong. Mike Pence (R-IN) duked it out.

Here's a link to the CNSNews.com story.